Monday, October 1, 2007
Global Breakdown
When climate changes, land will be uninhabitable. We will see great migrations taking place, as desert swallows fertile soil. It is possible tens of millions of human beings would be displaced and wandering around, invading other areas, resulting in domino effect of ethnic warfare, spreading from eastern Africa to rest of Africa, Asia and Ethiopia, and from Latin America to USA.
But even without climare change, population growth in third world will lead to exhaustion of natural resources and therefore migration.
LINK: Tomorrow project on Demographics
In first world, population is stagnant, while third world is rapidly growing it's population.
In early cybernetic age, stone age civilisation is making revival, combining semi-modern weaponry with ancient memes. The reason why third world grows in number is not better technology or even military expansionism, but rather illiteracy, female slavery, tribal customs and other primitive social codes for mind control, creating successful mutant amalgamation.
Terrorism is simply first wave of attacks.
When resources are depleted, starving masses of third world invades first world. In first world, human being are individualist, and do not procreate. Therefore, population structure will change, leading to imposition of stone age customs on human race globally. Only civilisation with ability to stall tide for moment is China, because of lack of hindering ideological memes like "human rights".
But, with uncontrollable population explosion in pre-technological part of world, superior CYBORG RACE needs to eliminate border by taking control over events in third world. Therefore, even if we have technate in North America, we will still need to stall tide of third world invasion and solve global overpopulation problem. North America is not isolated planet but part of planet Earth.
Mathematical solution is to either exterminate all population of Earth except in North America, or to try to solve social problem in third world by instituting form of resource management and population control there, avoiding worst risks before it is too late.
Therefore, technate needs to extend responsibility beyond borders, or find itself swarmed.
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Not really.
A Technate in North America puts an end to world expansion. That includes population. Most of the world is fed by North America presently.
Our corn and wheat is vital.
Iowa if it separated from the U.S. would be the 3rd. largest food producing area of the world.
The Chinese who grow the largest amount of wheat in the world are still dependent on wheat from North America.
Even the Russians depend on North America for a lot of their grain supply, some years more, some less.
In a catastrophic situation such as we face with climate change, lack of oil for the making of green revolution fertilizer, and pesticides, and over population and war, there is a problem.
One can not be a good altruist unless one is a good egotist.
With a population of over 6 billion, and a resource base that can handle a lot less than 3 billion, it is counter productive to imagine that the situation turns out in any way other than disaster.
Realistically North America can have a Technate with its low population and rich resource base.
If that is extended now to include the world, the North American resource base would be destroyed, and that dooms civilization at least for the present.
Some one has to start to live creatively.
Future technology may make it possible bring other Technates to other areas on Earth. That is not possible now though. The resources are just not enough to handle the population. Russia comes close, but it is not possible there either.
We are going to, and are having a Global breakdown NOW.
"When resources are depleted, starving masses of third world invades first world. In first world, human being are individualist, and do not procreate. Therefore, population structure will change, leading to imposition of stone age customs on human race globally. Only civilisation with ability to stall tide for moment is China, because of lack of hindering ideological memes like "human rights"."
Reality is that the third world is not a danger to the U.S.
It is still a long swim to get here, and we can absorb people from Central America without a problem because of our resource base. We can absorb Central America very easily, and it would actually add to the resource base, and thus standard of living.
China is not doing well.
They are doomed.
Their resource base must come from Globalism in some form.
With the destruction of their water supply, the desertification and huge population, they will crumble and crash a burn in a most horrible way in the future.
Take away the Iranian oil, and poof they collapse.
Take away the U.S. as their target market for their goods, and they collapse.
-When a Technate is installed in North America, it will invite others to use our Technology.
The rest of the world, being unsustainable presently under any scenario, is mostly doomed to chaos, and if we do not change in North America, we will also join them in that.
With an approaching war in the middle east, things are just about ready to get very weird.
Crash test ahead.
Even if that is case, human population in third world will try to invade North America and destroy technate, helped by communist insurgents in North America.
"Even if that is case, human population in third world will try to invade North America and destroy technate, helped by communist insurgents in North America."
There are no Communist insurgents in North America. The ones I have run into, the few, are older and in the dark and have no support. It is not a movement that people resonate with here.
How could a rag tag group of people attempt to destroy a Technate ?
That would be impossible.
A Technate would have a self defense system and would have no obstacle in defending itself.
The third world , so called, would more likely embrace the Technate for helping it, in the sense of providing information to help in their economies becoming as sustainable within their resource base to population.
Again the Eskimo analogy.
One whale can feed 150 Eskimos for one year.
It can not feed 150.000 Eskimos for one year.
The world in the present is unsustainable, and while it makes logic to try and bring the numbers down, and slowly do something creative as to resource management, there may be no way to do that in the present template.
Shock and disaster are proven methods to lower population.
While it is not the preferred way it may be the inevitable thing that happens with the shocking out of balance system THAT CAN NOT SUPPORT THE PRESENT POPULATION, and is so very dependent on modern agriculture and infrastructure to survive.
Belief systems have enforced criminal thinking about society as to pointless resource destruction for money. That concept is so over powering that creativity is in short supply.
I would like to say that a happy ending to the present system is going to happen, but it does not look like it.
There is not a conspiracy but sadly just plain human stupidity. That is preventing positive change.
Hence the importance of giving people good information concerning Technocracy, and not turning it into a game for money making and another adjunct of Globalism.
Small scale experiments are pointless and actually not related to the Technocracy concept.
There is 7.000 years worth of the human experiment to have to study.
Certain scientific conclusions as to the next most probable say that as Globalism collapses as it must, if we want to survive, Technocracy is the next most probable system.
And if Third World decides to launch invasion of North American technate?
It is doubtful that they could do much damage.
The third world would have collapsed almost completely.
Globalism mines North America for its resource base.
At that time China would be third world totally because of the collapse of their resource base and economy based on Globalism.
Russia can survive a catastrophe but they are one of the few areas.
We would be trading for raw material in a very limited way to some areas on earth.
Also we would invite people from all over the earth to learn our technology, and try to apply what they can to their resource base.
A Technate would watch and pay attention to problematic threatening people. There would be a sequence of defense that would be put into action if needed.
A threat such as nuclear black mail or smuggling nuclear weapons in would no doubt be dealt with harshly.
With such a large land area, (a North American Technate would be the largest country in the world), it would be very hard to cause it much damage from a culture that is not a science logic culture.
It is Third World collapse which is dangerous. Already today, 2 million human beings from semi-funtional thiord world are migrating to first world.
Imagine with price system collapse.
It will be tens of millions of angry impverished masses standing outside of border of technate ready to invade and settle.
And what will technate do then?
It is third world collapse that is dangerous scenario.
Maybe, but it is a long cold swim to North America.
It is a simple matter to not allow airplane traffic, or ship traffic.
Any person in a Technate would have energy certificates at their disposal, and strangers would not. That means they could only survive by 'stealing'.
That would expose any one very quickly.
They could not have a place to live or a job.
Also local governments could stop the flow of illegal immigration if they wanted to.
Mostly it is allowed because of the cheap labor aspect.
The third world IS going to collapse, and it will be a harsh reckoning for the people living there.
There is no way out of that.
With over population and growth being a mainstay of Price System operation, chaos is not unavoidable.
Is it possible that the Chinese will attack Russia in a quest for resource control ?
That could happen.
The Mongolian Chinese controlled Russia for two hundred years.
Countdown to chaos.
That will start soon.
I did not know there were thing as "local government" under technate?
Rio Grande is not that wide. And Vietnam Raft People have taken themselves to California.
They will not simply steal resources. They will multiplate without control within border, and attack ferociously attack civilisation they hate.
Number one there is no reason to hate us.
We would be the saviors of the world in the sense that the world is doomed without a Technate design.
Also realistically it is unlikely that boat people without very good Technology will attempt to get here.
A Technate would be state of the art as to self defense, and would have no qualms about enforcing its border.
"Rio Grande is not that wide. And Vietnam Raft People have taken themselves to California."
The people on the other side of the Rio Grande would be members of the Technate, which extends down to the Amazon river basin.
Once any one got here there would be only trouble and deportation with no possibility of being rewarded in Price System concept.
Local governments ?
No. There are no local governments under a Technate.
The Sequences determine how the Technate is operated.
Technocracy has no connection to the concepts of Holons, proto Technates, referendum democracy, controlling people through energy accounting with reward and punishment etc.
It was you who said local government have decision power.
Third World inhabitants are not passive victims. If they accuse USA for imperialism in trade today, imagine what they will accuse North American technate.
When chaos erupts in same time as technate is established, we will see tens of millions of people migrate. And they will react violently against extradiction attempts.
Mexico and Latin America are most likely not eligible culturally for technate. Many Mexicans really dislike American culture and American civilisation.
If you integrate Mexico into technate, you will see wars of secession.
"Mexico and Latin America are most likely not eligible culturally for technate. Many Mexicans really dislike American culture and American civilisation.
If you integrate Mexico into technate, you will see wars of secession."
Again, I don`t think so.
Mexico IS a planned part of the Technate. We NEED them.
There are already about 11 million Mexicans living here, and most of them would jump at the chance to become legal or combine countries.
Also the 'free trade' agreements of NAFTA, have gotten people used to the idea of combining, only in false economic terms.
The Mexican resource base as is Canada`s and Central America`s and the tip of S. America, essential, and rather than lower the standard of living for all in that construct, this would make the standard of living higher.
If I said local government would have power, I misspoke. I am not sure where I said that. If I did, I probably would take that back, or it could be in a context that I do not understand, or may not apply here.
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