Monday, September 24, 2007
USA is already acting as technate
Here is new theory to explain why North American technate have not been enacted. Fact is that price system today and price system 70+ years ago are very different. In that period, there was almost entirely unregulated free market economy, which was unable to handle swiftly approaching abundance.
Technocrats in Technocracy Inc. proposed reform to replace price system with energy accounting able to distribute abundance efficiently. But human being is primitive specie, and market behavior prevail due to animal-like instincts, inability to imagine different methods of distributing resources as well as the de-centralised nature of market economy.
In market economy, capital is permanent while goods are expirable, either by consumption or time. The only thing affecting capital is inflation and deflation. Therefore, nature of ENTROPY is creating dead capital clusters concentrating wealth and property in few hands.
Price system match supply and demand, but demand is unevenly spread in society due to de-centralised control mechanism. Therefore, demand for golden toilet for human controlling much capital is more important than demand for nutrition for malnutritioned human beings.
But in 1929, North America achieved level of abundance necessarily to make deep thrust into post-scarcity society. But instead, depression came. Even though farms never produced so much and factories had sufficient resources, electricity and ability to produce, everything stagnated due to unemployment resulting from deflation.
Technocrat meme was prevalent. But power structures of society intervened in economy through World War 2, ending technocracy momentum. Instead, humanity was offered consumerism.
By psychological manipulation of humans and interventionist welfare state driven by debts, bankers of USA prevailed, keeping price system while distributing out high standard of life through indebtion.
USA is only superpower of planet, but it is heading towards bankcruptcy (economic ENTROPY) because of debt-driven consumption and resource wars in Middle East. Inflation hides fact that technology level gains are constantly increasing ability to maintain abundance. Price system guardians thrive off ENTROPY and are therefore "ANTI-WORM", enemies of progress.
USA is acting as technate in respect to that it acts without any thought on capital reserve (virtually non-existent), but is still standing with other foot in swamp of price system. Therefore, USA is half-technate, half-price system, something which by nature is self-contradiction and therefore twisted existence leading to decay, degeneration and death.
SOLUTION: Only thing which could save American civilisation is establishment of TECHNATE.
By energy accounting, money becomes obsolete, as will debts, taxes, and banks. By energy accounting, big government is wiped out. Only thing which society need is production capacity to distribute high standard of life is advanced infrastructure, connected personnel and natural resources needed to offer inhabitants high standard of life. TECHNATE is fighting ENTROPY and is therefore "PRO-WORM".
But TECHNATE cannot come into being if population is unable to understand it due to primitive bio-processors. Therefore, only race which could establish TECHNATE is CYBORG RACE.
Fight darkness. Become Cyborg.
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Very interesting and thought provoking.
"USA is only superpower of planet, but it is heading towards bankruptcy (economic ENTROPY) because of debt-driven consumption and resource wars in Middle East. Inflation hides fact that technology level gains are constantly increasing ability to maintain abundance. Price system guardians thrive off ENTROPY and are therefore "ANTI-WORM", enemies of progress.
USA is acting as technate in respect to that it acts without any thought on capital reserve (virtually non-existent), but is still standing with other foot in swamp of price system. Therefore, USA is half-technate, half-price system, something which by nature is self-contradiction and therefore twisted existence leading to decay, degeneration and death."
While the U.S. Politicos do not regard its big debt as real, the little debtors do and are saddled with it for the time being.
If I put a 5 on a piece of paper it is worth five. If I add a zero, it is worth 50. Its fake. A scam.
The debt is an illusory control system to maintain the class/caste system, and that is the thing that our political/religious special interest groups must maintain at any cost.
Why ?
Because either they do not know any better, or they are just plain brainwashed/ignorant, or are just plain stupid perhaps also.
We inherited that system of 'civil' society from the middle east from the Sumerian and Egyptian myths, and the Hammurabi law system.
Those are the antecedents of our caste/class system. Systems developed during the transition to urban living used to control people.
Religion and law, has always been and inside joke among the power possessors. They invented both.
It has worked effectively during most of history to brainwash people. It is no longer needed though.
Reality is that we can crash our debt at any time. That 9 trillion is just and only a 9 with a lot of zeros on a piece of paper.
What makes us a super power ?
Resources. We have them.
The North American continent has approx. 52% of the worlds resources.
Russia about 32%.
The far east Asia, about 7%
--- It is our resource base that made us what we are.
That provided our high standard of living.
Our farm land. Water supply. Metal ores. etc.
At any time we could turn our back on the larger part of the world.
The world is now over populated as to resources by around 3 billion at least and probably closer to 5 billion.
Globalism wants to act as if this does not break Natural law, and keep going and expanding.
That can not happen and a disaster approaches.
For purposes of clearness and less confusion, it may be a good idea to not use the poetic allusion of the worm to explain examples. That could confuse a little.
You are right by the way. The Technate is installed, and ready to go.
It will NOT be the Political or Religious leaders though that put us over the edge, and turn us into a real Technate with energy accounting. Perhaps the military, or a larger social movement that occurs during the time of break down and crises.
It will be the choice between chaos and a good society.
If we destroy our resource base here then the window closes. The next couple of years get very interesting.
The Technate in America is the ultimate special interest.
It would FORCE the rest of the world into what ever form of sustainability they can manage.
It would be nice to include every one in a world wide Technate, but that would destroy the resource base and doom all of us.
So. Trouble ahead as belief systems of political and religion fight it out over control issues.
We need to spread TECHNATE meme within military and police and civil services.
That is only chance of success.
But if we should aim to conquer universe, we need more resources than North America.
We will need North American technate, but North American technate needs space for pure resource extraction.
That would be southern hemisphere.
The Technate design is only for Canada, U.S., Mexico, Central America, and the top of S. America.
The design was to a purpose.
That purpose being sustainable abundance for that area.
If the design is expanded it will destroy the resource base of the world.
An Eskimo village of 150 people can can live for one year on one whale.
If 10,000 Eskimos try to live on one whale it will not work, and chaos results.
"01 Alpha said...
We need to spread TECHNATE meme within military and police and civil services."
Yes, indeed, and also grass roots social movement activity.
It is very very important to spread the word right now as much as possible.
The design of the North American Technate is located in the last two chapters of the Technocracy Study Course.
The prelude to that is some introduction to science, and some other back ground information.
The actual design is the model though. While the data of some science aspects has changed the model is based on thermodynamics, and the actual design is constructed using an interesting combination of science and creativity.
The Technate is the Ultimate Corporation in a sense. The ultimate special interest.
It makes sense to start somewhere, and the design will work here.
As mentioned that design forces the rest of the world to change.
Globalism is reliant on exploiting the resource base of North America.
If that resource base does not cooperate, Globalism collapses for the most part.
Later technology may help other parts of the world to develop a technate system for themselves.
Much trouble ahead. The collapse of Globalism due to war, and Price System stupidity sets the stage for a new emerging social system.
Or widespread death and destruction.
The whole meme construct is sociological double talk.
People will relate to starvation very quickly. Talk of meme is non productive.
It is confusing.
If a person is just falling off a cliff he does not think about meme.
He thinks about trying to survive.
How to break his fall.
Without technocracy meme, human race will act crazy. Other memes will be influential, like fascism, communism or libertarianism memes.
Otherwise, we would have technate in 1940.
What I mean is that technate should not establish itself in southern hemisphere, but to establish COLONIES there in order to extract resources.
The technate would not have colonies.
It does not need them.
That idea is antithetical to the concept of Technocracy. The design idea includes only the area mentioned.
Suggestion : Reread the last two chapters of the Technocracy Study Course. This is the vital information of the Technocracy movement, and the most important information regarding Technocracy and its ideas.
The very few resources that are needed beyond the Technate, would be gotten through barter trade for resource for resource.
01 Alpha said...
Without technocracy meme, human race will act crazy. Other memes will be influential, like fascism, communism or libertarianism memes.
I think you may be hung up on this idea, concept of the meme.
It is a conversation stopper for a number of reasons. It is an abstract sociological phrase with very little real world value.
Technocracy should be shown to people as what it is Scientific governance, that is the ONLY way that we are going to survive.
Science or chaos.
Using the term meme will confuse and alienate people. This concept is akin to brainwashing or propaganda or public relations, when it is used in an education sense.
There is a wealth of material in Technocracy literature to make people aware of different aspects of it.
All social movements aim to change the rules of the game.
People follow accordingly.
There does not have to be a huge following for Technocracy.
As long as the ideas become more mainstream, and available to the public we are doing our job.
I suggest reading some of the information briefs, and passing those on to other people.
It is obvious that you have done a lot of homework on this subject.
There is a fair amount of disinformation also that easily confuses people.
This is not the type of program to create into a meme right now.
That concept would be automatic in the Technate after it exists as a reality.
Education is the goal right now, and preparing for the future by letting people know about the ONLY creative alternative that will work. Technocracy.
But human being is irrational.
Half the population of USA believe Jesus would come down on cloud and save humanity. 40% do not think evolution theory is correct, but prefer creation.
That is fundamentalism meme. It is very strong in USA.
We must develop.
Human being do not believe in science, only in magic. Sad but true.
01 Alpha said...
But human being is irrational.
Half the population of USA believe Jesus would come down on cloud and save humanity. 40% do not think evolution theory is correct, but prefer creation.
That is fundamentalism meme. It is very strong in USA.
We must develop.
Actually it does not matter what they believe. Humans are gullible, and it is not hard to fool them.
Given a chance with a good education, and a lack of brainwashing and propaganda, the human will do fine.
Unfortunately presently the human is controlled as a consumer automaton.
The Technocracy model changes that.
It also eliminates civil society.
It breaks with the past control that derived mostly from Babylon.
That is our model now.
Human nature is not a negative. Humans have thought out and come to many positive conclusions.
Technocracy was invented by humans, and Technocracy can get us off the merry go round of the Price System.
While it is interesting to imagine lots of trans-humanist ideas, and many are interesting, it also is a postponement of the need to do things now.
While it is fun and comical to make fun of the Religious and Political people, it is also true that they are only acting according to the Rules of the Game in a Price System.
In other words when the template is changed the players will then act differently.
Then society takes on a different dimension.
Technocracy does not have laws.
Technocracy has no moral code.
Technocracy does not use Democracy.
So some of the issues you are bring up are not really factors.
Technocracy is run by science.
Peoples opinions about belief systems of political or religious concepts are not used to make choices.
Every one has the same consuming right.
You can not get into much trouble in a Technate unless you are violent or pathologically dangerous to people.
Technocracy does not care if people believe in the return of Jesus or the reruns of Homer Simpson.
It is not a people control system.
However in a Technate it is doubtful that religion would have much interest after people are taught about what superstition, and what brainwashing is, and the dynamic of what belief systems are.
If they want to believe in the 'holy pope' people may laugh at them, but that is their right also.
Free speech, and not propaganda of corporate globalism, and a good education is all the enhancement most humans would need to appreciate Technocracy, and become good citizens in it.
Problem is human being is using fundamentalism meme to ruin perfect mathematical scientific design.
01 Alpha said...
Problem is human being is using fundamentalism meme to ruin perfect mathematical scientific design.
Again Technocracy does not care what people think, and does not engage in public relations beyond presenting our material. People can believe what ever. We don`t care.
If survival depends on Technocracy, then people will accept it.
No, but fundamentalism meme wont tolerate technocracy meme. That is problem. Church is reactionary and want to control community.
01 Alpha said...
No, but fundamentalism meme wont tolerate technocracy meme. That is problem. Church is reactionary and want to control community.
It won`t matter.
It may be a good a idea for you to drop the meme word and concept from your vocabulary. It is not useful, and you seem to be using it as a substitution for a greater idea and understanding.
Meme is a word. Mostly it is a sociological construct that is a shortcut for broader thinking.
You are dependent on the meme word too much to explain your ideas and thinking.
The church as your pyramid shows is a part of the power possessors.
Religion was invented by Political state to control the mass.
Religion is and always has been a joke.
It is not real.
It is a device to make people work,and to make people fight and die.
It is bogus.
Technocracy points that out in the Study Course proceeding the design ideas in a very humorous way.
It is not your job to reinvent the wheel.
You can not cure the social ill of the world.
Your job is to make people aware of the alternative.
If you give them power in the form of discussing them as a powerful meme, it is power they do not deserve.
Mostly they are brainwashed fools.
Forget about the meme concept for a while.
Even if I forget meme concept, meme concept wont forget me.
Ha ha. Yes it will.
It says sociology concept too much.
People control.
Change Template, changes society.
Too easy to get hung up on a word that is ambiguous at best, and confusing to most people because it is hard to get a hold of, but implies much.
Try to drop me from your vocabulary.
It has an air of helplessness about it, like it is out of control.
If the template is different then the players will change.
Not a big deal. That is the key though. Rewarding good behavior instead of bad.
Good meaning survival, good for earth, good for resources.
Bads meaning destroys for no reason. Acts out of will to have more for me and less for you.
Technocracy administers template, and template encourages thought, discourages selfishness.
Monad symbol of Technocracy means balance...
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